I'm Making A Podcast?


It's me again, back after many a moon, and it is now the summertime. I find myself feeling more passionate than ever, but still lacking time management for all the big things I want to do. 

Three of my goals for this year were to write more, learn how to use DaVinci Resolve/edit videos, and to record more audio (song covers, stories, etc...). As I shared in my opening for "The Ultimate Kpop Fan" Challange I want to model it after the video series, "Future You" from the journalist and author, Elise Hu. However, I also started to listen to the Podcast guide from NPR and thought, 'hey why don't I make this a little more work for myself!' Just kidding it was more like this is a good tool, and since I have it I should just make a podcast. Even though the book explicitly asks if a podcast is the best method for what I want to delivery to you my dear reader. I suppose I just like podcasts too much and have to try it out for myself. 

Also please look out for some, 'The Anthropocene Reviewed,' by John Green type post about comebacks, movies and other things that pique my interest. I haven't read other books by John Green, but this one scratched my ap human geography self. 


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