Ultimate Kpop Fan Challenge: Introduction

Becoming a kpop fan can go a few ways primarily stanning (or joining the fandom); 

Level One: Just enjoying and not being a hater

Level Two: Staying on the periphery, listening to the music, going to concerts 

Level Three: Falling deep into the rabbit hole of fandom lore and videos. Symptoms include interacting with fans on Twitter, watching "Get to Know X" YouTube videos.

If you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, follow me and let's find out together!

My name is Courtney and I have been a kpop fan since 2009/2010 and while I claim to be an expert in some right, I'm not done exploring! I have compiled a list of all my kpop experiences and the things that I have yet to experience which I will share through this challenge. They can be viewed on the challenge page and you can comment if there are any I missed. 

As I look to cross everything off the list, I will share little reviews for each. But don't I will also write about those that are already crossed off, like going to concerts and buying my first albums. My hope is that this can be fun for kpop fans at any stage, and most importantly lots of fun! 


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